Fabric to Art 2014 - Art Quilts Nederland

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Fabric to Art 2014

Project AQiN > Symposiums

‘Stof tot Kunst’ (‘Fabric to Art’)

A second symposium on art quilts was held on 31st October 2014, at Enschede, on the occasion of the exhibition European Art Quilts VIII at the Museum Twentse Welle at Enschede. The symposium ‘Stof tot Kunst’ (‘Fabric to Art’) was organized on initiative of and in cooperation with the foundation European Art Quilts. Fully booked as well, the symposium featured five speakers and a panel discussion.

Henk Lijding, art historin
on: Beyond the Art Quilts
Mienke Simon Thomas, senior conservator toegepaste kunst en vormgeving museum Boijmans van Beuningen,
on: The Gatekeeper speaking. (The gatekeeper guarding the museum collections)
Monika Auc, art critic and visual artist
on: Needle Power
Wilja Jurg, director Tetem Kunstruimte
on: What is making art Art?
Olga Prins-Lukowski, founder and chairwoman of the jury of European Art Quilts VIII,
on: What guides a member of a jury whilst judging?

The symposium was chaired and summarized by Victor DeConinck, gallery owner.
The most important advice in the panel discussion from all members was:
if you, art quilter, want to make it in the art world, do not use the name quilt, even when making them.

A compilation of the lectures, panel discussion, and conclusions has been issued.
Reprints may be ordered at nlartquilts@gmail.com at € 10, with a minimum of 5 pieces.

Webdesing: Willy Doreleijers Copyright 2016. All rights reserved by artquiltsnederland.
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